PCB Specs & Capabilities

Printed Circuit Board Specialists

Your prototype may require any of the following technical solutions. We can design and produce the board you need.

Max. No. of Layers30
Max. Board Size860*610
Board ThicknessSpecMin0.2mmMax6.0mm
Copper ThicknessMin0.25ozMax6oz
Surface FinishSpecVarious
ColoursGreenVarious others available on request
Minimum Soldermask Thickness0.025mm
Minimun Soldermask Bridge\Dam0.15mm
Minimum Soldermask Clearance0.075mm
Minimum Feature0.5mm
Maximum Tented Hole3.0mm
Angle30 Degrees
Min. Board Thickness0.8mm
Min. Remaining Thickness0.3mm
Min. Distance to copper (From center of scoring line)0.5mm
Min. Manufacturing Requirements
Min. Track0.1mm
Min. Drill Size0.2mmMechanical 0.1mmLaser
Finished Board Tolerances
Plated Drill Size± 0.075mm
Non-Plated Drill Size± 0.05mm
Drill Location Tolerance± 0.05mm
Outline\Routed Slots± 0.1mm
Line Width/Spacing±10%
Board Thickness±10%
Warp and Twist0.05%
Scoring/V-Cut± 5 degrees
Scoring Positional Tolerance± 0.1mm
Aspect RatioSpec10:01

We are constantly expanding our list of suppliers so if you have a requirement that is not on our specification page, please talk to our Sales Team.

Number of LayersMin. Thickness in mm

The rate of increase in frequency in electronics is forcing manufacturers to come up with new cost effective laminates that meet these ever changing needs. While the FR-4 range of laminates are still the most commonly used in the industry, the need for higher performance laminates offering lower dielectric constant, lower loss tangent and better performance under higher operating temperatures, has become more apparent. Therefore, we endeavour to offer as wide a range as possible to our customers.

Test MethodMaterialsBlend DescriptionGlass Transition Temp.Dielectric ConstantDissaption Factor
TGTest MethodDKDFMoisture Absorption %
Normal Tg FR-4Flame resistant Fibre Glass Substrates which are in compliance with the standard UL-94V-0135-145 cDSC4.7@1Mhz0.0191Mhz
High Tg FR-4Flame resistant Fibre Glass Substrates which are in compliance with the standard UL-94V-0175-185 cDSC4.6@1Mhz0.0191Mhz
Rogers 3006PTFE Ceramic3.00 ± 0.04@10Ghz@10Ghz0.04
Rogers 3006
PTFE Ceramic6.15 ± 0.15@10Ghz@10Ghz0.02
Rogers RO4003CHydrocarbon Ceramic Woven Glass>280 c3.38 ± 0.05@10Ghz0.0027@10Ghz0.04
Rogers RO4350BHydrocarbon Ceramic Woven Glass>280 c3.48 ± 0.05@10Ghz0.0037@10Ghz0.05
Rogers 04233Hydrocarbon Ceramic Woven Glass>280 c3.33 ± 0.05@10Ghz@10Ghz0.02
IPC TM-650 N 4000 13Epoxy Resin200 cTMA3.7@10Ghz0.008@10Ghz0.1
IPC TM-650 N 4000 13 (SI)Epoxy Resin200 cTMA3.3@10Ghz0.007@10Ghz0.1
IPC TM-650 N5000Bismalemide Triazine and Epoxy Resin blend185 cDSC3.6@10Ghz0.014@10Ghz0.05
G200Bismalemide Triazine and Epoxy Resin blend185 cDSC3.65@10Ghz0.015@10Ghz0.2
IS400Resin reinforced with E-Glass150 c4@1Mhz0.021Mhz0.18
IS410Hi Performance FR4 epoxy laminate180 c3.87@10Ghz0.023@10Ghz0.2
IS620Resin225 c3.54@10Ghz0.071@10Ghz0.24
MC-100MS/ESWoven Glass Resin composite110 cDSC5.4@1Mhz0.0351Mhz0.8
Polyclad PCL-FR370HREpoxy Resin reinforced with E-Glass180 c 3.92@10Ghz0.025@10Ghz0.15
P96Polyimide Resin260 c3.73@10Ghz0.021@10Ghz0.5
CEM-3Woven Glass Resin composite>128 cDSC<5.4@1Mhz<0.0351Mhz0.5
Taconic RF35Ceramic-filled PTFE (Teflon™)/glass fabric>315 c3.5@1.9Mhz0.0018@1.9Mhz0.02
GetekPPO Resin reinforced with E-Glass180 c
IPC TM-650 6PPE blend Resin210 cDMA3.61@10Ghz0.004@10Ghz0.14
IT180Epoxy Resin Phenolic-Cured175 cDSC4@10Ghz0.02@10Ghz0.12
Shengyi S1000-2Lead Free FR4 laminate170 c4.8@1Mhz0.0131Mhz0.1
Hitachi MCL-BE-67GHalogen Free FR4 laminate160 – 200 cDMA4.4 – 4.6@1Ghz.009 – .011@1Ghz0.6 – 0.7
DiscontinuedNelco N6000APPE(Allylated PolyphenyleneEther) Resin System210 DMA3.4@10Ghz0.009@10Ghz
DiscontinuedNelco N6000 SIAPPE(Allylated PolyphenyleneEther) Resin System210 DMA3.1@10Ghz0.006@10Ghz

Other available options include a range of Bergquist Thermal Clad laminates. Thermal Clad laminates are a dielectric-coated, metal base with a copper clad layer on top. Bergquist doesn’t use fibreglass, therefore giving a better thermal performance. We also offer a range of flexible printed circuit options.

Please contact us for more information.

HASLHot Air Solder Level / Shelf Life 12 Months

The process consists of immersing circuit boards in flux and then in a molten pot of solder.
The excess solder is then removed using ‘air knives’ which blow hot air across the surface of the board.
HASL provides a very reliable solder joint and an excellent shelf life.
But due to the thickness of HASL coating, the end surface can be unsuitable for fine-pitch components.
HASL (LF)Hot Air Solder Level / Shelf Life 12 Months

The process consists of immersing circuit boards in flux and then in a molten pot of solder.
The excess solder is then removed using ‘air knives’ which blow hot air across the surface of the board.
HASL provides a very reliable solder joint and an excellent shelf life.
But due to the thickness of HASL coating, the end surface can be unsuitable for fine-pitch components.
ENIGElectroless Nickel Immersion Gold / RoHs compliant / Shelf Life 12 Months

ENIG is a finish consisting of a two layer metallic coating of 2-4µ Au over 100-200µ Ni.
The Nickel provides the barrier to the copper and is the surface to which the components are actually soldered to.
The gold protects the nickel during storage and also provides the low contact resistance required for the thin gold deposits.
ENIG is now arguably the most common finish used in the PCB industry due the growth and implementation of the RoHs regulation.
AGImmersion Silver / RoHs compliant / Shelf Life 6 Months

It has a controlled thickness of 5-12µ.
Immersion silver is rapidly gaining popularity as the lead-free surface finish of choice. It is compatible with most assembly processes, is cheaper than ENIG, and provides a level surface suitable for fine-pitch components.
The disadvantages are that it is more susceptible to temperature and humidity as well as handling. Handling with gloves is recommended to prevent tarnishing.
And if left exposed to the environment, immersion silver reacts with sulfur from the environment, creating silver sulfide on the surface of the board.
ISnImmersion Tin / RoHs compliant / Shelf Life 4 Months

Immersion Tin gives a very even surface with good solder joint reliability. It is used more and more in the automotive industry as a replacement for HAL.
It is a Press Fit suitable finish and is good for Fine Pitch and BGA components.
Some of the disadvantages of Immersion Tin are that it is open to corrosion and the occurrence of “Tin Whiskers”. These are hair like growths of tin cause by the internal stresses in the surface layer of tin. Over time they can cause shorting. Also the process uses a carcinogen (Thiourea).
OSPOrganic Solderability Preservative / RoHs compliant / Shelf Life 6 Months

OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative) or anti-tarnish preserves the copper surface from oxidation by applying a very thin protective layer of material over the exposed copper.
It uses a water-based organic compound that selectively bonds to and protects the copper prior to soldering.
OSP is a popular surface finish for soldering due to its low cost, easy handling, low temperature processing and its environmental friendly due to its use of metal free chemistry.
The disadvantages are that it needs to be handled carefully preferably, using gloves and it is not ideal for multiple soldering processes.
GoldHard Gold or Flash Gold / RoHs compliant

Hard Electrolytic Gold consists of a layer of gold plated over a layer of nickel. Hard gold is extremely durable, and is used mostly in high wear areas such as edge connector fingers and keypads. It is not generally applied to solderable areas, because of its high cost and its relatively poor solderability.
Its thickness can vary by controlling the duration of the plating cycle, with typical values are 20-40µ Au over 120-150µ Nickel.
CarbonRoHS compliant

Carbon is often used as an alternative to Hard Gold on contacts dues to its good mechanical strength and electrical conductivity
It is supplied in ink form and is applied by a printing process.

Colour Range

Note: While a Minimum Clearance of 0.075mm and a Minimum Bridge width of 0.15mm is what we recommend, some suppliers can produce a Minimum Clearance of 0.05mm and a Minimum Bridge width of 0.076mm. Please specify pre-quotation if you require these higher specs.

Colours available in Matte and Gloss on request.
High Tg resistant soldermasks also available.

Colour Range

Note: Most PCB Manufacturers clip the silkscreen from the soldermask openings. Therefore, any text that is positioned over a soldermask opening will be removed.

DefinitionAspect ratio is the ratio between the board thickness and the minimum hole size.

If the board thickness is 1.6mm and the minimum hole size is 0.2mm, then the Aspect Ratio is 8:1.

The smaller the hole size, the more difficult it is for the plating solution to flow through the hole, and this can result in uneven plating down the barrel of the hole.

HDIHigh Density Interconnect: A generic term for substrates or boards with a higher circuit density per unit area than conventional printed boards.
Technologies associated with HDI include blind vias, via in pad, buried vias, micro vias, and laser drilling.
Materials used include RCC, LDP and PP.
Via In PadThis process allows vias to be placed directly on surface mount pads. The via is plated and filled, then capped and plated over.
Various via fill materials include non-conductive epoxy, conductive epoxy, copper filled, silver filled and electrochemical plating.
MicroviaA blind hole with a diameter (=150 µm) having a pad diameter (=350µm) formed by either laser or mechanically drilling.
BVHBuried Via Hole.
RCCResin Coated Copper: Used instead of Copper foil in HDI multi layer boards where Microvias are present.
LDPLaser Drillable Prepreg.
Dielectric MaterielA dielectric material is a substance that is a poor conductor of electricity, and used as an insulating layer in the PCB build up.
Porcelain, mica, glass, plastics and some metal oxides are good dielectrics. The lower the dielectric loss, (the proportion of energy lost as heat) the more effective the dielectric material.
Glass Transition TemperatureGlass Transition Temperature is the temperature at which the polymer transitions from a hard glass material to a soft rubbery one.
It is measured using 3 different methods. DSG (Differential Scanning Calorimetry),TMA (Thermal Mechanical Analysis), and DMA (Dynamic Mechanical .Analysis)
Micron1um or 1 micrometer. 25.4 microns = 0.001 inch.

Copper SliversThese are small copper features which are created when a copper area is filled by an aperture which is too small and usually occur in areas where trace and pad clearance intersect. They are normally less than the minimum feature size allowed in the Design Rules and can break off and move, potentially causing shorts during the manufacturing process.
Non-Flashed PadsWhen creating footprints, please created all pads using flashed apertures. Do not create pads using drawn traces. This leads to problems and extra work when creating e-test data, and can also lead to large data files, which are difficult to transfer by email.
Copper Area created using Flashed PadsPlease create all copper pour areas using traces and not using flashed pads.
Spacing violations within the same netThese are often an issue when the tracks have been created using an autorouter and the minimum clearance has not been set for same net connections.
Soldermask BridgesThe minimum soldermask bridge we recommend is 0.15mm. Bridge sizes less than this are normally located around tight pitched components and are caused when the soldermask is expanded to create the minimum clearance required for manufacture. If a soldermask bridge is found to be less than 0.15mm then it is normally removed and this can cause problems later on when soldering.
Silkscreen TextWhen creating component footprints, please keep the component names 0.1mm away from the pads. When it comes to manufacturing the silkscreen is clipped from the soldermask, and if any silkscreen text is touching the soldermask pads then it will be removed. This can lead to a silkscreen which unreadable and it does not look good cosmetically. Likewise, if the text is smaller than our recommended minimum size, then it can also be unreadable when printed.
Text on Copper LayersAll manufacturers recommend that some form of text is added to the copper layers; for example, a part number or company name. This gives reassurance to the manufacturer that the board is being built correctly. As you look at the board through the top side, the text on the top side must be readable and the text on the bottom side must be unreadable.
Creating Gerber/NcDrill OutputsAlways use the same units when outputting Gerber and NcDrill files, and do not put any offsets in the outputs. This means that the gerbers can be loaded into the manufacturers CAM software without rounding errors and with the layers aligned. Make sure that the hole sizes supplied to the manufacturer are the finished hole sizes. Output gerber files in RS274X format. This format contains all the aperture information embedded in the gerber file.
NcDrillPlease remove any double drills in same location and overlapping drills before creating the drill output. This can cause drill breakages during manufacturing.
Layer NamesGive your Gerber outputs names that make the function of each layer clear to the manufacturer. “Base_1.gbx” and “Base_2.gbx” are not good names because you cannot tell what the layer function is from the name. Whereas “Base_Top.gbx” and “Base_Bottom.gbx” are good names as they provide more information about the layer function.

When requesting a quotation or placing an order with us, the information you supply is hugely important. This is your opportunity to specify exactly what you require and to ensure that we have all the necessary information to supply to you with what you require on time and to the quality standards that you expect. Lack of and conflicting information is one of the main reasons manufacturers give for delayed orders. Itemise clearly what you want.

QuantityHow many boards do you want?
Lead TimeHow fast do you want your boards?
If you select 10 working days, you will receive the boards on the 10th working day (this does not include Saturday or Sunday). We aim to have any engineering questions (EQs) cleared up within 24 hours and the working days begin from the time all answers are given. EQs arise when our manufacturing partners do not have sufficient information from the design files.
No. of LayersSingle Sided or 6 layers? If you require a specific layer build, then please supply it or request a copy of the manufacturer’s layer build with the quote.
Most suppliers multi-layer builds will differ slightly from one to another. These slight differences may make a difference to the impedance control on your PCB.
Material and PCB ThicknessImportant considerations with regard to price. Please specify clearly at quotation stage.
Surface FinishLead Free HAL, ENIG, Immersion Silver… or something else.
Soldermask?What colour?
Silkscreen?What colour? How many sides?
Peelable Mask?What colour? Also indicate the location on the board where this is required.
Blind/Buried Vias?Please specify between what layers. Also ensure that the required drill data is supplied along with the relevant drill sizes.
Capped Vias/Via in pad?Not all our suppliers offer this service so if you require this, please specify at the quotation stage.
Slots?Ensure that the location and size of these are clearly specified. Are they required plated or non-plated?
Plated Edges?Specify at quotation stage to ensure that your data meets the manufacturers specifications.
Panel Format?Do you require the boards to be shipped in panel format? If so please specify. Options are as follows:
– Scoring
– Boards routed and held together in a panel format by pips (Without or without a frame)
– Or a combination of both.
Please supply a detailed drawing of any panelisation required.
Markings?Do you require any date code, UL code or other markings such as manufacturer’s logo?
If so, please supply details of the location where you want the markings and details of how you want the markings on the PCBs (Copper, Soldermask or Silkscreen)
The DataAs a rule each layer of the PCB requires a separate Gerber file (RS274X format preferably)
A separate gerber file is also required for the soldermask on each side of the board as well as the silkscreen layers, peelable soldermask, etc. as required.
Ideally also a separate Gerber file of the board outline including any slots or cutouts is also required.
Drilling information must be supplied in NC format. If the drill sizes are not included in the NC Drill files, then a separate report file with the sizes and plating details must also be sent.
Make sure that the hole sizes supplied are the finished hole sizes
For example, if you require a 6 Layer PCB with soldermask and silkscreen on top and bottom, then you must supply 11 Gerber files.
You must also then supply an NC Drill file, which will include the plated and non-plated drills and a report specifying which drills are plated and which drills are non-plated.