R&D: The Labyrinth

Juliana Dorairaj


My initial foray into R&D meetings was a whirlwind of awe and intimidation. The jargon flew over my head, leaving me frustrated and struggling to keep up with the flurry of ideas bouncing off the walls. However, after immersing myself in this dynamic environment for five months, I found myself captivated by the incredible journey of R&D.

Curiosity got the better of me, prompting me to delve deeper into the essence of research… and development (pun intended!). I was given the opportunity to submit a proof of concept for an idea I thought of whilst driving on the N6, away from the Galway rush hour traffic. It was somewhat terrifying – To think that an idea which I thought was great might be crushed by those with the experience and know how to put it together – That it was a great but unrealistic idea.

Enter the Prototype Design Form. My eyes skimmed through this form I was required to complete. Target audience, dimensions, power requirements, software requirements, environment, interface requirements – I was overwhelmed and felt out of my depth. Maybe I didn’t think this through? Maybe it was meant to remain an idea and nothing more? I took onboard all the required details and pondered, feeling slightly defeated. Whilst the initial reaction to the prototype design form brought doubt, I appreciated that it served as a guide to fully immerse myself in the design of my idea. And if I had not thought about it before, I sure am thinking about it now. Siobhán was super helpful in explaining the purpose of the form and the various sections.


R&D: The Labyrinth


I researched publications and spoke to several professionals in the field. Once I was happy with the final version of the prototype design form, it was time to meet Mint Tek’s R&D team (which was somewhat odd seeing as I was part of this team providing project coordination and administrative support). The excitement and involvement from the team upon listening to my proof of concept felt comforting and it built my confidence in how far I could take my idea. The team were patient in explaining aspects of my idea and pushed boundaries of how my prototype could look and its capabilities.

Several meetings, consultations and 3D renders later, I walk away with a case study, advice on patent and licensing as well as continued support in making my idea a reality. I could say it would be easy to understand R&D by being part of Team Mint Tek but I would be lying. This opportunity presented to me has broadened my understanding and experience of R&D and the extraordinary work that happens in Furbogh, Galway. A good bunch of individuals who push boundaries and test limits – all whilst keeping your idea alive. Together, we unravel the secrets of innovation, fearlessly pushing the boundaries of what is known and embracing the vast expanse of the unknown. As Jim Rohn once said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So why not bring your idea to us at Mint Tek and spend some time with us.

If I can do it, so can you!