Startup Hardware News

Startup Nightmare!

Massimo Banzi, the very public face of Arduino, used Makezine to tell us about a rift in the core Arduino team.  Gianluca Martino, another co-founder, has changed the makeup of their original vision for the startup.

Arduino was the poster child of the opensource, maker world, creating wonderful devices that allowed people to play, test and invent.  True empowerers of the maker community.  Friends and collaborators for years they are now rowing over the business,  and it’s probably gonna be messy as the legal eagles are involved.

In my mind, a startup should not be encumbered by distrust or caution, they should fly by the seat of their pants.  Unlike Mulder, they trust everyone.  It must be very painful for this group of truly kind and generous men to be in this situation.

There but for the grace of God go we all!

Tech and Bio Coming Together to Hack the Code of Genetics

In 2000  it took $3 billion and years to sequence one person’s genomic information. The cost has reduced so much that a human genome can be sequenced in one day for $1,000.

Now investors, government, the cloud and startup-thinking has brought power to companies to create faster sequencing instruments and readers.

In January, President Obama requested $215 million to fund his precision medicine initiative — $130 million to back a national research program that will track the data of 1 million volunteer donors, and another $70 million for a National Cancer Institute initiative to identify the genetic drivers of cancer.

Now that brings a smile to cancer survivors everywhere.

Posted Mar 9, 2015 by Christine Magee @c_magee27 of Techcrunch

Live Prototyping – is it for you?

Prototyping options

Live prototyping replaces techniques like surveys, bases testing, and focus groups.

It involves releasing still-rough concepts into the context where consumers would eventually encounter them during the course of their daily routines. This could happen on a store shelf, at a hotel check-in counter, or in an app store; with all the associated distractions and competing choices.

Like all good market research, live prototyping is ideally both qualitative and quantitative in nature. We start by observing behavior naturally unfold before conducting intercepts and interviews with consumers to probe deeper. We also make sure to have enough consumer engagement to observe quantitative patterns with pre-selected metrics.

My question to you is it something we can bring to the world of startup hardware?

Originally Posted by David Aycan & Paolo Lorenzoni

