Wearables of the Future

From the fit bit to the apple watch, it’s hard to read the news these days without reading about wearables they are appearing everywhere. We’re not here to sell you the fit bit though we’re here to tell you about some wearables that we think deserve more recognition.

  1. Googles’ Sugar Monitoring Contacts

Last year one of the wearable devices that made headlines was Google’s Smart Contact Lens. The lenses were designed to measure glucose levels by examining the tears in a diabetic person.

Rumoured to be launched by 2019 these contact lenses are definitely going to change how people with diabetes live. With approx. 5.1% of the population suffering from either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

This opens a market for introducing wearables and other tech to the medical industry.

2. Thync

Thync is one of those products that are going to rely heavily on subjective experiences and word of mouth. The company’s pitch, to “shift your state of mind” and “conquer life,” sounds exciting enough, but it’s also going to draw its share of skeptics.

Thync’s new neurosignaling device—which costs $299—is easily portable and lightweight and designed for use at home, work, or even while commuting. It’s operated with an accompanying app to deliver Thync Vibes, which are what may help you achieve calm or increase your energy level.

The technology leverages low levels of pulsed electrical energy to signal specific neural pathways, enabling users to dial their stress responses down or energy levels up. The immediate effects can last from 30 minutes to an hour, with the carry-over impacts lasting up to several hours.

The application of this is quite astounding I still can’t believe this technology exists; it seems like something you’d see in a sci-fi movie, can’t wait to try it out.

3. HereO

If you’ve ever had a child you will know the terror of losing your child in the supermarket or somewhere similar

The hereO GPS smart watch is the world’s smallest real-time GPS location device created specifically for children age 3 and up.

Parents can know their children whereabouts anytime, anywhere. With historical locations, parents can track where their children have been throughout the day, reassuring that they have not visited any unsafe places.

The hereO watch works in sync with the hereO Family location app, which is also a standalone app that the entire family can use to share their whereabouts with each other. Family members share locations simply by running the app (on smartphones, tablets, and desktops) or broadcasting a check-in to a specific location.

The hereO smart watch has already raised $215,647 of its $100,000.

4. The FitLinxx Amp Strip

The FitLinxx Amp Strip is a thin, waterproof device that tracks heart rate and activity around the clock with accuracy – all within a device as discrete and comfortable as a Band-Aid. It can be comfortably worn all day, every day.

It easily sticks to your torso and automatically tracks heart rate, activity, exercise load, skin temperature and posture.  It also provides critical fitness insights like resting heart rate and heart rate recovery.

The FitLinxx Amp Strip debuted on Indiegogo December 30 and has already raised $250,528 of its $50,000 goal. It will be publicly available in July this year.

5. The Pebble

It wouldn’t be a wearable’s blog without mentioning a smart watch.

Although the smart watch category is still nascent, there are already a wide variety of options on the market that can deliver smartphone notifications, fitness features, apps and more to your wrist.

All of these devices promise to let you leave your phone in your pocket more often. Personally I must say the Pebble is my favourite they currently have 3 options when it comes to smart watches: the Pebble Watch, The Pebble Time, The Pebble Steel, my favoruite of these is the pebble time with a 7 day battery, and its ease of use I’m surprised more people have not gone down this route.

What wearable are you looking forward to let us know below?